Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg is a professor and head of the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision at Graz University of Technology, Austria. He has over 20 year of experience in Augmented Reality and has authored over 300 peer reviewed papers. He is associate editor in chief of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, steering committee member of the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, winner of the START Prize of the Austrian Science Fund, recipient of the IEEE Virtual Reality Technical Achievement Award, and member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His recent book "Augmented Reality - Principles and Practice", published by Addison-Wesley Professional is the authoritative guide to the research field.
Research Review of IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2016 (ISMAR)01:00 PM - 01:30 PM Oct 19ISMAR is the premier research conference for Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality, supported by the IEEE Computer Society. This year, the conference was held in Merida, Mexico, and next year, it will be held in Europe. This session will summarize the current hot research topics and latest results. The topics demonstrate the breadth of the field, ranging from displays (photometric calibration and compensation, scanning laser projectors) and tracking (high frame rates from camera arrays) to visualization (automotive diminished reality, motion retargeting) and interaction (remote collaboration).